Special Volume

“Life Safety and Security (LiSS) publishes papers discussing potential damages to individuals, both in terms of accidental events and fraudulent ones. It is a multidisciplinary Journal which addresses these topics from different points of view. It is expected that submitted papers are written by a wide range of scientists belonging to various areas (like humanistic, socio-economics, biomedical, etc.).

The aim of this special volume is not only to provide a forum where recent advancements in the field of inherited eye and retinal dystrophies can be discussed, but also to shed light on the innovations in translational research that bridge the gap between laboratory findings and clinical applications, aiming to improve the quality of life of affected individuals.

The topics covered by this special volume include:

    • Genetics of Eye and Retinal Dystrophies: An in-depth exploration into the genetic underpinnings of these conditions.
    • Molecular Biology Insights: Discussions on the molecular mechanisms driving the onset and progression of these dystrophies.
    • Animal Models in Research: The role and importance of various animal models in understanding and finding potential treatments for these diseases.
    • Gene and Cellular Therapies: Innovations and breakthroughs in therapeutic interventions targeting the genetic and cellular bases of these conditions.
    • Imaging and Biomarkers: Advanced techniques and methods in imaging and the identification of biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment monitoring.
    • Collaborative Efforts and New Findings: An opportunity for international experts to exchange ideas, collaborate, and update on the latest advancements related to inherited eye and retinal dystrophies.

This special volume serves as a comprehensive repository of the discussions, findings, and innovations presented during the “Advances in Translational Research for Inherited Eye and Retinal Dystrophies: Breakthroughs and Innovations" congress.

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