Table of Contents
La Costruzione Condivisa Dello Spazio Pubblico, Luogo Di Sperimentazione, Inclusione E Creatività. La Bellezza Contro Il Terrore Per Rendere Più Sicure Le Città
Gabriella Musarra
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, September 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.1
L’urbanistica Come Panacea All’illegalità. Anticorruzione E Legalità Nei Processi Di Governance Del Territorio E Di Costruzione Della Città
Gabriella Musarra
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, September 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.2
Original Paper
The Determinants Of Absorptive Capacity: An Empirical Investigation For Innovative Smes In Italy
Alessandra Costa
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, December 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.3
Interferenze E Connessioni Tra Arte E Psicologia
Fedele Termini, Giulia Raciti
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, August 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.4
Role Of Prostaglandins And Ultrasound Debridement In Healing Of Septic Ulcers And Fistula – Complication Of Prostheses In Osteomyelitis Infected Knee
Erminia Bentivegna, Luigi Donato, Concetta Scimone, Vivaldi Roberto, Mularo Salvatore, Citarrella Emanuele, Mavaro Giuseppe, Rosalia D’Angelo, Antonina Sidoti
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, August 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.5
Itinerari Geoturistici Attraverso Il Patrimonio Geologico Ed Enologico: Strumento Di Conoscenza, Valorizzazione, Salvaguardia E Sicurezza Dell’ambiente. Una Proposta Preliminare. Esempi Campani E Siciliani
Vincenzo Amato, Pietro Carveni, Cristoforo Russo, Patrizia Sibi, Alessandro Torre, Fabio Torre, Mario Valletta, Cinzia Verrillo
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, July 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.6
Patrimonio Geologico E Paesaggio Culturale. Una Relazione Virtuosa Per La Sicurezza E La Salute Del Pianeta
Cristoforo Russo, Patrizia Sibi, Alessandro Torre, Fabio Torre, Mario Valletta
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, March 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.7
A Methodology For Systems Reliability Estimation Through Condition Monitoring
Giuseppe Curcurù
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, February 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.8
Innovazione Giuridica E Diritto Tecnologico. L’impatto Del Giurista Nei Modelli Di Progresso Sociale E Scientifico. (Brevi Note In Materia Di Teoria Generale Della Proprietà Intellettuale)
Ramon Romano
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, December 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.9
Genetic Factors In Cerebrovascular Diseases
Concetta Scimone, Luigi Donato, Simona Alibrandi, Elvira Velardi, Rosalia D’Angelo, Antonina Sidoti
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, December 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.10
On Machine Learning In Biomedicine
Alessandro Calamuneri, Luigi Donato, Concetta Scimone, Alessandra Costa, Rosalia D’Angelo, Antonina Sidoti
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, December 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.11
The New Era Of Non-Coding Rnas: The State Of Art And Future Perspectives In Advanced Molecular Therapiesthe New Era Of Non-Coding Rnas: The State Of Art And Future Perspectives In Advanced Molecular Therapies
Luigi Donato, Concetta Scimone, Simona Alibrandi, Rosalia D’Angelo, Antonina Sidoti
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, January 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.12
Predictive And Personalized Approaches Towards Retinitis Pigmentosa And Cerebral Cavernous Malformations
Luigi Donato, Rosalia D’Angelo, Concetta Scimone, Antonina Sidoti
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, January 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.13
Review & Guidelines Paper
2016 Who Global Guidelines For The Prevention Of Surgical Site Infection: A New Step To Improve Patients’ Safety Before, During And After Surgery
Vincenzo Davide Palumbo, Antonio Bruno, Benedetto Di Trapani, Giovanni Tomasello
Life Safety and Security, Volume 5, January 2017, https://doi.org/10.12882/2283-7604.2017.5.14